camping & survival


Equipment + Advice

Oz Survival Aid

Whether you already live in the outback or are new to the outdoors, planning any outdoor excursion will incorporate the considerations depicted below. Anyone can survive in any environment if

they understand the basics and prepare.

Oz Survival Aid are qualified and experienced in camping, outdoor survival, emergency management and medical first aid. Our aim is to help people remain safe, get out of trouble during an emergency, and enjoy and appreciate our wilderness.

We use and trust:

Camping & Outdoor Safety Basics

When camping or exploring the outdoors, first aid becomes increasingly complicated due to often greater distances from help. Always consider a first aid kit.

Crucial for all life, a lack of water can result in death in sometimes hours when travelling in the more arid regions. Quality of water is vital too.

There are many aspects of the bush that can harm; not just snakes and spiders. Fires can be a real threat, so too trees, floods and adverse weather.

Operating a four-wheel drive vehicle in the bush takes skill; recovering a 4WD can be deadly.

Multiple sources of lighting are needed for multiple scenarios, for camping and emergencies.

A basic multi-tool is a minimum when exploring the outdoors and for emergency preparation.

Quality shelter is more than appreciated when camping during adverse weather.

A camp fire is synonymous with camping and serenity. However, fires can save a life and take a life.

It has been known for millennia that good hygiene and cleanliness will help prevent ill-health and disease.

Humans can survive a couple of weeks without food, but it would be no picnic. Quality food enhances any expedition!

Pets deserve proper planning beyond food and water for camping and emergencies.

People get lost all the time in the bush, especially when hiking. Navigation can be a life saving skill.

Electromagnetic field radiation poisoning is rapidly increasing, and now no where is safe.

Society fails when these fundamental imperatives are neglected.

During emergencies, running out of supplies can be catastrophic.

The new frontier of both camping and emergency preparedness is producing your own electrical power. This is an emerging and sometimes sophisticated technology. Some research is required to determine the best system for you.

Effective communications with others whether camping, hiking, four-wheel driving or touring can certainly enhance the experience and prevent people getting lost. Functional communications has very real implications to resolve an emergency and prevent harm.

Survival Aid

Recommended Equipment & Supplies

… to help you stay safe when camping, four-wheel driving, hiking and exploring the fascinating outdoors and landscapes of Australia.

Oz Survival Aid is a concept based on many years of living and working with Indigenous peoples to assist ‘looking after country’ in remote Central Australia. This involved the passing of knowledge to younger generations and extensive camping expeditions in extremely remote and harsh arid environments. Traditional Owners shared their culture, skills and knowledge with us on how to look after and survive in often a very harsh and unforgiving land.

A team with formal training and experience, including a registered nurse, Oz Survival Aid is a continual learning experience and journey. We wish to pass on some of this knowledge and provide advice and equipment recommendations required to help stay safe and survive whether in the home or the bush.